For community of UxI: Inviting our Indigenous Futurities into embodiment, we honor the body as a carrier of knowledge, ancient and futuristic. Through our feet we ground ourselves to the land we are on, finding our deep roots follow waters back to original source. We bringing intention and reciprocity through breath and sound, and allow the flowing motions to heal areas of stagnancy and dis-ease of colonial oppressions. With joy and gratitude we become fully present by activating the multi sensory and multi dimensional. With intuition and imagination we ignite our superpowers, to be the change we wish to see in the world. Connecting with layers of time, and place, qualities and elements, humanity and the more than human beings, we stand together in a circle of transformative contemporary ritual, our movements and sounds invoking the cyber world as a realm of liberation, to dream into being a futurity of more justice, truth, equity, freedom, compassion, gratitude, joy, and love ...